APSAC Welcomes New Editorial Team to the Advisor and Alert

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The Board of Directors of APSAC is pleased to announce Drs. Lisa Schelbe and Carlo Panlilio as the new editorial team for the APSAC Advisor and the APSAC Alert. Serving as the Editor, Dr. Schelbe is an Associate Professor at Florida State University College of Social Work. Her research focuses on young people transitioning out of foster care and services to assist with their transition out of care. Dr. Panlilio, the new Associate Editor, is an Assistant Professor at Penn State’s College of Education and a faculty member for the Child Maltreatment Solutions Network. His research focuses on the impact of early maltreatment on self-regulation and later student achievement. Drs. Schelbe and Panlilio first started working together early in their careers as Doris Duke Fellows for the Promotion of Child Well-being.

For the APSAC Advisor, Drs. Schelbe and Panlilio are prioritizing special issues on timely relevant areas as well as issues that cover the wide range of topics relevant to child maltreatment. In addition to empirical practice-focused articles that are written in an accessible way that have the potential to influence practice and policy, there will be review articles that highlight the most current research on topics. Plans are being made to include information about how to interpret and apply research findings toward practice and policy, as well as a section on innovative ideas and opportunities for advocacy.

Dr. Schelbe explained her thoughts about the publications, “I see the APSAC Advisor’s strength as delivering accessible, current, relevant material to the interdisciplinary practice community in child maltreatment. Too often journals are inaccessible to practitioners because of the content as well as being behind paywalls of academic journals. The value of the APSAC Alert is it succinctly delivers timely material in a digestible manner. The information provided is practice and policy relevant and appeals across professional fields. The APSAC Advisor and the APSAC Alert are both uniquely positioned to use science to impact practice and ultimately meet APSAC’s mission of improving society’s response to the abuse and neglect of its children.”

The editorial team is committed to a wide range of views and seeks to encourage contributions from new and inexperienced authors. To assist these authors, training materials discussing the writing and publishing process will be accessible in fall 2020 on the APSAC website.

One of the new editorial team’s first projects is a special issue of the Advisor on the COVID-19 pandemic. The special issue seeks papers that focus on 1) the pandemic’s impact on various child serving systems and their responses, 2) specific child maltreatment risk and protective factors due to the pandemic, and 3) the pandemic’s exposing and amplifying inequities for vulnerable children and families. The special issue seeks to include multiple perspective and new voices; manuscripts representing APSAC’s multi-disciplinary focus are encouraged. View the Call for Papers here.

The APSAC Board is grateful to Dr. Angelo Giardino of of University of Utah School of Medicine and Dr. Christopher Greely of Texas Children’s Hospital for their four years of service to the APSAC Advisor and APSAC Alert and for their work in advancing these publications.

For more information about the APSAC Advisor and to to sign up to receive the APSAC Alert visit: https://www.apsac.org/apsacpublications