Commission on Racial Justice in Child Maltreatment

Black Lives Matter

APSAC Commission for Racial Justice in Child Maltreatment

APSAC has made a commitment to work towards ending racism and implicit bias in the field of child maltreatment and we invite you to read more about that commitment here. This page represents the very first step in our expanding, and on-going, efforts. We invite you to join the discussion, and suggest resources to add by contacting

Reading Club

Inspired by our commitment to deconstruct white privilege and address the issues of racism that permeate the child maltreatment field, the Commission for Racial Justice in Child Maltreatment launched a Reading Club in 2021. Led by a diverse group of professionals, topics such as racism in psychotherapy, recognizing micro-aggressions in child maltreatment work, and addressing white supremacy culture, will be discussed. Please join us for what are sure to be important conversations as we share and reflect on the critical issue of promoting racial justice. The reading club is free to attend, regardless of APSAC membership.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact

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Ages 0-3​​


Ages 3-5 ​​


Ages 5-8

Ages 9-12

Ages 12+