The APSAC Alert is a digital publication of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Its purpose is to provide a brief summary of a critical body of empirical research directly informing multidisciplinary child abuse practice, including professionals who work in mental health, social service, health, and the law. The APSAC Alert is distributed free to APSAC members, professionals who request a free subscription, and other interested parties.

An APSAC Alert should be provide a distinct, clear, and easy to understand summary of a body of empirical research. Each Alert should include a concise summary of key findings of a significant body of research, a brief statement of practice implication, references, and suggested key readings.

  • An article of 1000 words or fewer.

  • Maximum of 10 to 12 references in APA style (alphabetized; no numbered references).

  • No more than 1 table or figure.

  • 3 -4 “Points of Interest” (the bulleted key points that will run in the first column of the front page)

  • A brief biographical sketch of the author(s) (2-3 sentences each) with optional photo(s).

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