Covid-19 Resources
Please note that inclusion in this list does not indicate an endorsement from APSAC.
Child Maltreatment During the Pandemic
with Jennifer Garner & Pastor Darrell Armstrong
Coronavirus Tips & Resources for Parents, Children and Others from Prevent Child Abuse America
Family and Caregiver Resources from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
The FBI Warning about Child Sexual Abuse Exploitation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Love in the Time of Coronavirus: A HOPE-Informed Guide for Parents
Monitoring Children’s Online Activity from the New York Foundling
Online Educational Resources for Families from the New York Foundling
Parental Controls for Game Systems from the New York Foundling
Parental Controls for Social Media from the New York Foundling
National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Statement on COVID-19
Resources for Parents and Children to Prevent Abuse During the COVID-19 Outbreak from Johns Hopkins
Vaccines for Children and Adolescents: Lessons and Activities
Dr. Machelle Madsen Thompson’s Series on Resilience During the Pandemic
Resilience for Children & Families: Coronavirus: Safety ABCs
Resilience for Children & Families: Protective Factors During COVID-19
Resilience for Children & Families: Overcoming Fear During COVID-19
Resilience for Children & Families: Supportive Beliefs During COVID-19
Resilience for Children and Families: Music for Healing During COVID-19
Resilience for Children and Families: Problem Solving During COVID-19
Resilience for Children and Families: Exercise is Medicine During COVID-19
Resilience for Children and Families: Tough Feelings During COVID-19
Fedele F. and Iris M. Fauri 2020 Memorial Lecture: Child Welfare and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidance to Child Welfare Legal and Judicial Leaders on Statutorily Required Judicial Proceedings
Letter from Jerry Milner to Child Welfare Leaders on Obtaining PPE
Tech Options for Child Welfare Communications (Note: Please review privacy policies before sharing sensitive data)
A Guide for Understanding and Coping with Compassion Fatigue
Nonprofit Resources for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Pandemic Poses Key Challenges for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Recovery Readiness: A How-To Guide for Reopening Your Workplace
Responding to Child Abuse During a Pandemic: 25 Tips for MDTs from Zero Abuse Project
Resources for COVID-19 Response from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Shared Parenting in the Time of COVID-19, Practitioner Resource
Summary of the CARES Act Provisions from the National Child Abuse Coalition
Emergency Visits and Hospitalizations for Child Abuse During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Child Abuse Surges in Times of Crisis – The Pandemic May Be Different
COVID-19 and Child Welfare: Using Data to Understand Trends in Maltreatment and Response
Higher Levels of Harsh Parenting During the COVID-19 Lockdown in the Netherlands
Hospital Admissions for Abusive Head Trauma at Children’s Hospitals During COVID-19
Pandemic Posed Challenges, but also Created Opportunities for Agencies to Enhance Future Operations
The Perfect Storm: Hidden Risk of Child Maltreatment During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Violence against children during COVID-19: Assessing and understanding change in use of helplines
A Guide to Home-Proofing for Flu, Coronavirus, and Other Illnesses
Help Wanted: An Online Course to Provide Help to Individuals Who are Attracted to Younger Children
Observing Child Abuse Prevention Month During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Why Outbreaks Like Coronavirus Spread Exponentially, and how to “Flatten the Curve” (multiple language translations available)