Research to Practice Briefs

APSAC Research to Practice Briefs

In order for APSAC to achieve our goal of strengthening practice through knowledge, we must ensure that up-to-date, high quality research results are reaching the practitioners who need it most. To accomplish this, APSAC has assembled cadres of individuals working in psychology, social work, medicine, child welfare, and law to write 2-3 page translational summaries of articles from Child Maltreatment. These briefs are designed to provide clear policy and practice implications of the research useful to people working in different disciplines. Briefs may appear in the APSAC Advisor, the APSAC Alert, on the APSAC website, and in other places as needed.

If you are interested in writing these translational pieces or bringing this as an assignment to your classroom, contact Bri Stormer 

Past Briefs

All APSAC Research to Practice Briefs are available below.

Click through individual briefs below or download the full 2018 Research to Practice Brief Compendium.

Annual Cost of U.S. Hospital Visits for Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma (2018 Student Author)

A Pilot Study of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Delivered via Telehealth Technology (2018 Student Author)

Building Capacity for Trauma-informed Care in the Child Welfare System: Initial Results of a Statewide Implementation (2018 Student Brief)

Depressive Symptom Trajectories Among Sexually Abused Youth: Examining the Effects of Parental Perpetration and Age of Abuse Onset (2018 Student Author)

Disentangling the Cycle: Potential Mediators and Moderators in the Intergenerational Transmission of Parent-Child Aggression (2018 Student Author)

Early Exposure to Child Maltreatment and Academic Outcomes

Effectiveness of a Trauma-Informed Care Initiative in a State Child Welfare System: A Randomized Study

Intergenerational Effects of Childhood Trauma: Evaluating Pathways Among Maternal ACEs, Perinatal Depressive Symptoms, and Infant Outcomes (2018 Student Author)

Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma: Maternal Trauma-Related Cognitions and Toddler Symptoms

The Prevention of Child Maltreatment Through the Nurse Family Partnership Program: Mediating Effects in a Long-Term Follow-Up Study (Child Maltreatment 2017 Article of the Year)

What is Neglect? State Legal Definitions in the United States