Now Accepting Nominations for the 2024 APSAC Awards!

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Dear APSAC Colleagues:

The APSAC Awards Committee seeks nominations for the 2024 APSAC Awards, to be presented at the 32nd APSAC Colloquium, June 22-26, 2025, in New Orleans, LA. We encourage APSAC members to nominate deserving colleagues. This is a great opportunity to recognize the outstanding professional, service, or research contributions of colleagues in the field of child maltreatment. Also, please circulate this letter and form to your colleagues so that the APSAC Awards Committee can consider a wide spectrum of deserving professionals. A brief letter is required, but please do not let that stand in the way of nominating a deserving colleague.

These awards honor member contributions to APSAC and member and non-member contributions to the field of child maltreatment. Award categories include: Lifetime Achievement Award, Outstanding Service, Outstanding Research Career, Service and Advancement of Cultural Competency, Frontline Professional, Prevention, Media Coverage, Research Article, Doctoral Dissertation, and Service to APSAC.

Please take a few minutes to submit a letter, nomination form, and nominee’s curriculum vitae. Feel free to contact us with questions at

The deadline for nominations is January 15, 2025.

Sincerely yours,

Viola Vaughan-Eden, PhD, MSW, MJ, FAPSAC
APSAC President Emerita
Chair, Awards Committee

2024 APSAC Awards Nomination Form

See the Awards page on APSAC’s website for award descriptions and past winners.