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The Young American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (YAPSAC)

What is YAPSAC?

The Young American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (YAPSAC) is the division of APSAC designed to serve students and young professionals. The goal of YAPSAC is to ensure that the next generation of leaders in the field of child maltreatment have access to the multi-disciplinary information, resources, and network  that APSAC offers.

What are the benefits of joining YAPSAC?

YAPSAC members receive all the same benefits as APSAC members, along with:

  • Fun networking with peers and experts in your field

  • Opportunities for professional development, like the YAPSAC institute 

  • Writing opportunities through APSAC’s research to practice briefs and the YAPSAC quarterly newsletter 

How much does it cost to join? 

Undergraduate and graduate students can join APSAC for just $30/year. Young Professionals (5 or few years fewer from school) can join for $95/year. Young Professionals- save an additional 30% using the discount code YAPSAC30. Click here to join.