Nominations for the APSAC Board of Directors: Open NOW until June 1!

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The Nominations Committee of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Inc. is seeking nominations of qualified individuals to serve on the Board of Directors.


Article V, Section 2 of the APSAC bylaws specifies the following: “Qualifications – Directors must be a member of APSAC at the time of their election to the Board and must remain a member throughout their term of office. To be nominated for the Board of Directors, an individual must submit a biography of 200 words or less stating their current professional achievements that would be beneficial to APSAC.”

In addition to the 200-word statement, please send:

  • A copy of the nominee’s CV
  • A summary of the nominee’s service to APSAC

Please email all materials to Stacie LeBlanc, APSAC President, at

Additional Information:

  • The nomination should describe the nominee’s discipline, area(s) of child maltreatment practice, emphasizing work on behalf of APSAC.
  • Elected directors serve a three-year term beginning July 2021.
  • Self-nominations and nominations of active peers are both encouraged.

To nominate an APSAC Board Candidate, please submit a 200-word statement, CV, and summary of service to APSAC to by June 1, 2021.