APSAC is announcing the latest issue of the APSAC Advisor from editors Lisa Schelbe, Carlo Panlilio, and Amanda M. Ferrara. This issue, entitled “Presidents and Pioneers,” is a celebration of APSAC’s history and future in the field of child maltreatment.
Table of Contents:
Presidents and Pioneers: A Celebration of APSAC’s 35th Anniversary
Lisa Schelbe, PhD, MSW; Carlo Panlilio, PhD; Amanda M. Ferrara, PhD
Celebrating 35 Years of Improving Society’s Response to Abuse and Neglect of Children:
An Interview with Jon Conte, Co-Founder and Lifetime Member of APSAC
Esaa Mohammad Sabti Samarah, MSW
Multigenerational Reflections on APSAC—Thirty-Five Years in Review:
An Interview with Deborah Daro
Samantha Ellner, MS; Jerica Knox, PhD
Family First: An Interview with Roland Charles Summit
Jiwon Helen Wyman, MD, MATS
Reflecting on the History and Future of APSAC: An Interview with Susan Moan Hardie
Karen Marcial; Judith Valasquez
Celebrating 35 Years of Child Protection in Research and Forensic Interviewing:
An Interview with Kathleen Coulborn Faller, PhD
Sarah Scozzafava, MA
Improving the System’s Response to Child Maltreatment: An Interview with Charles Wilson
Jerri Sites, MA
We Are Part of the Problem: An Interview with Michael Durfee
Jiwon Helen Wyman, MD, MATS
Starting at the Frontlines: An Interview with Deanne Tilton Durfee
Jiwon Helen Wyman, MD, MATS
Pioneer Dr. Theresa Reid: Paving the Path with Passion
Kristina Taylor-Porter, MA
How Can We Help You? An Interview with Dr. Astrid Heger, MD
James D. Simon, PhD
An Interview with Tricia Gardner, JD
Nicole Kim, MSSW