Memorial Section in Child Maltreatment

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APSAC is creating an annual “In Memoriam” section in Child Maltreatment (CM) to recognize the passing of those who have contributed significantly to the mission of APSAC since its inception. Eligible individuals include, but are not limited to, those who have held leadership positions within APSAC (e.g., Board of Directors) or who have contributed significant time/effort towards any APSAC committees. The pieces written for the memorial section will be solicited from volunteer authors, not necessarily the Board of Directors. Memorials will be published annually in the May issue (number 2) of CM. Anyone who passed away during the previous two years is eligible to be memorialized in the journal the following year.


  • Authors interested in drafting a memorial should contact the Editorial Assistant (EA) at If multiple requests are made on behalf of a single deceased individual, the EA will work with the parties to reach an agreement.
  • If the deceased individual served on the APSAC Board, the EA can provide approval for the person selected to be memorialized. If the individual did not serve on the Board, the request will be handled by the Executive Committee (EC) of the Board of Directors.
  • After receiving approval from EA and/or the EC, the author will draft a brief memorial, focusing on the professional contributions of the deceased individual. The memorial will be reviewed a designated board member. The CM Editor-in-Chief may also provide review as necessary. The EA will communicate any edits to the author and work to finalize the memorial.
  • The memorial should not exceed one double-spaced page, 12-point font, Times New Roman (approx. 300 words). A picture can be included with the following specifications:
    • Clear, non-pixelated image that will be discernable to black and white
    • No larger than 200 x 200 px
    • JPEG or PNG format
    • Permission to share granted by the family of the deceased
  • Requests to author a memorial should be received by the EA before December 1st and submissions should be received no later than December 31st for publication in the following year’s May issue. The author must finalize the piece with the EA by January 15th to meet publication deadlines.