Members Only: Dismantling Privilege 2.0: Examining Systemic Racism in U.S. Treatment

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Members Only: Dismantling Privilege 2.0: Examining Systemic Racism in U.S. Treatment of Non-White Youth

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This course runs every Wednesday from 12-1 pm ET for eight weeks. Course dates are:
3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/21.

Participants are awarded a certificate for attending all eight sessions. Participants will not receive a certificate for partial attendance. Psychology CE credits are available for a fee. Participants who sign up to receive CE credits will receive 1.0 hour of credit for every session attended in full. Learn more about CE Credits. The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. APSAC maintains responsibility for this program and its content.


Course Description and Learning Objectives
Dismantling Privilege 2.0: Examining Systemic Racism in U.S. Treatment of Non-White Youth provides a historical examination of the treatment of youth of color in America from slavery to present.

This is an eight (8) week course on racism in the treatment and responses to black and brown youth in the United States from slavery to present. Dismantling Privilege (DP) is a self-directed adult learning experience, aimed at white and white passing persons, that optimizes transformational learning through group discussion.

The three learning objectives for participants of this course are:

1) Develop an educated understanding of the policy, economic and governmental actions that created and maintain systems of racism in youth responses;

2) Recognize the way that those actions disproportionately fail to help and can cause harm to black and brown youth; and

3) Learn what steps are necessary to create accessible and equitable youth service systems.

This course involves approximately 45-90 minutes of weekly independent study consisting of videos and print materials. Participants then meet virtually for an hour of group discussion.


About the Instructor:
Samantha Floyd, MSSW, is Co-Founder and Chief of Operations of Justice Consulting, a volunteer organization with a mission to address racism within U.S. human trafficking responses. She developed and teaches Dismantling Privilege, a multi-series course examining systemic racism in the United States. Ms. Floyd is a member of the United Nations Delta 8.7 Policy Guide Markets Working Group. She serves on the State Department’s Human Trafficking Consultant Network. Ms. Floyd is part of the HEAL Trafficking Speaker’s Bureau. She is the Coordinator of the South Central Kentucky Human Trafficking Task Force.

Samantha has over 15 years of post graduate experience in mental health, child welfare, public health, healthcare, college instruction, human trafficking policy and racial justice. Ms. Floyd holds a Masters of Science of Social Work from the University of Tennessee and a Bachelor of Social Work, Cum Laude from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Location: Zoom



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