Introducing APSAC’s 70+ Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Field’s Development

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APSAC has posted 12 videos in the APSAC Video Library that constitute the first draft of the APSAC Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Field’s Development. Most of these videos are less than 20 minutes long.

Eleven national child abuse experts representing multiple disciplines acknowledge pioneers from their own disciplines who they believe made some of the most important contributions to the field’s development. This is a draft because there are many other professionals who deserve this same acknowledgment for their work in establishing our field. It is APSAC’s hope that this project will continue to add new modules to acknowledge some of the other professionals who have made major contributions to our field’s development. One new module will address the contributions of professionals from diverse communities. Joyce Thomas, one of our field’s pioneers and a co-founder of APSAC, has agreed to lead the development of this new module.

APSAC will be forming a committee and a process for establishing criteria and helping those who wish to put together additional modules. This first draft represents over a decade of work that began ten years ago when two Korean child psychiatrists who had founded Korea’s first centers for child sexual abuse victims invited David Corwin to Seoul to speak about the USA’s efforts to address child sexual abuse during the preceding 40 years. Like APSAC, this illustrated history grew from an initial focus on child sexual abuse to include all forms of child maltreatment. The Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA) contributed financial support for the production of this illustrated history.

Dr. Corwin’s 2010 presentation is summarized in an article co-authored by Brooks Keeshin and published in the online journal of the Korean Women’s Development Institute. A copy of the article is available below.

These videos include video clips featuring many of field’s leaders and pioneers. The presenters include: Sandra Alexander, MEd (Child Abuse Prevention), Randell Alexander, MD, PhD (Medical Pioneers), Barbara Bonner, PhD (Psychologists), David Corwin, MD (Executive Producer and Psychiatrists), Kathleen Faller, PhD (Social Workers), David Finkelhor, PhD (Social Scientists), John EB Myers, JD (Early History), Robert Parrish, JD (Lawyers), Donna Pence, BS (Investigators), Victor Vieth, JD, MA (Faith Leaders), and Bea Yorker, RN, MS, JD (Nurses).

View 70+ Years of Child Maltreatment Here

Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development2 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development3 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development4 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development5 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development6 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development7 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development8 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development9 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development10 Introducing APSACs 70 Year Illustrated History of the Child Maltreatment Fields Development11

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