APSAC-NY President Dr. Mary Pulido on a #MeToo Movement for Child Sex Abuse Survivors

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In the era of #MeToo, it seems like we’ve reached a cultural “tipping point” where sexual abusers and harassers are starting to be held accountable for their actions. Yet, policy can take time to catch up to changes in cultural attitudes. In this article, APSAC-NY President Dr. Mary Pulido asks what a #MeToo movement might look like for survivors of child sex abuse. Her suggestion: extending or eliminating the statute of limitations for child sex abuse prosecution, so that survivors have the time they may need to take action against their abuser. In her home state of New York, she advocates for the passage of the Child Victims Act, which would extend the statute of limitations until the victim is 50 for civil litigation and 28 for criminal proceedings. Read her full article from Huffington Post here.

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