APSAC & Foundling 9-Week Course
Translating Child Sexual Abuse Research to Practice
The program consists of eight 90-minute sessions. Applicants must register for the entire 8-week program. The training program will offer participating professionals the opportunity to acquire or enhance the competencies, skills and insights necessary to effectively work with children and families in the child welfare system. Please see course descriptions and course presenters below. All nine courses will be led by national experts in the field of child welfare and child maltreatment.
Each year, the program will select qualified professionals on a first come, first serve basis for acceptance. All participants must pay a $160.00 enrollment fee. There is no enrollment fee for New York Foundling staff and APSAC members. If you are not currently an APSAC member, but wish to join APSAC and have the enrollment fee waived please see APSAC membership link.
Session Descriptions
All sessions will take place from 12:30pm to 2pm EST on Thursdays from February 9th to April 6th, 2023. The program will take place remotely through the use of live interactive webinars over Zoom.
Thursday, February 9, 2023
This workshop will present a description of child sexual abuse in the United States and information about rates, the main types and dynamics, and how to prevent and intervene in cases of child sexual abuse.
Workshop leader: David Finkelhor, Ph.D.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
In this presentation, Dr. Merrick will discuss historical approaches to the problem of child sexual abuse which have largely included after-the-fact services for children and criminalization of child sexual abuse perpetrators. In addition, Dr. Merrick will discuss prevention approaches including providing children and adults with education on the signs, symptoms, and self-protection strategies. A majority of the presentation will outline a public health approach to the prevention of child sexual abuse with particular focus on the need for policy and social norms change.
Workshop leader: Melissa Merrick, Ph.D.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
This workshop will describe the varieties of Internet sexual exploitation, and discuss the various strategies being applied to prevent and interrupt it. It will focus particularly on the virtues and challenges of applying prevention education to protect children and youth.
Workshop leader: David Finkelhor, Ph.D.
Thursday, March 2, 2023
A multi-disciplinary trauma informed response coordinated by Children’s Advocacy Centers is the established gold standard in responding to child sexual abuse. This workshop will highlight the benefits, weaknesses, and lessons learned, and attempt to translate the latest research for best practices in the multi-disciplinary investigative response. Sometimes acknowledging and understanding each other’s professional strengths and limitations is the crux for solving cases and for job satisfaction.
Workshop leader: Stacie Leblanc, JD, MEd
Thursday, March 9, 2023
In this webinar we’ll examine what research and professional experience has taught us about child sex trafficking and exploitation (CSE/T). We will discuss definitions and dynamics, the health and mental health impact of CSE/T, potential indicators of exploitation and a practical, trauma-informed and rights-based approach to working with children and adolescents who are experiencing or at risk for CSE/T. The presentation focuses on a practical application of what is known about trafficking and exploitation
Workshop leader: Jordan Greenbaum, MD
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Utilizing a case study, this workshop walks the student through the initial report of child sexual abuse all the way to a civil or criminal trial. The myriad considerations that must be made at the forensic interview, the interview with alleged offenders and non-offending caregivers and the unique dynamics present for male victims are all discussed in this engaging workshop.
Workshop leader: Victor Vieth, JD, MA
Thursday, March 23, 2023
The primary objective of this workshop is to assist participants in understanding the dynamics of child sexual abuse (CSA). This understanding is a prerequisite to providing anticipatory guidance for children and parents regarding a child’s right to personal space and privacy in the primary prevention of CSA. Participants will develop an understanding of how best to talk to children and parents in a facilitating, therapeutic and empathic manner about Okay and Not Okay touching and when concerns for CSA arise in clinical practice. Participants will learn when to refer to child protective services, the extent of the initial medical assessment when concerns arise as well as referral for appropriate mental health services.
Workshop leader: Martin Finkel, DO
Thursday, March 30, 2023
The significant short-term and long-term impact of child sexual abuse on children and adolescents is well documented and it is therefore critical that youth affected by sexual abuse receive effective treatment. Fortunately, the number of empirically supported trauma-focused interventions for children and adolescents has been increasing. This workshop will briefly define evidence-based treatment in general and then provide an overview of empirically supported interventions designed to ameliorate the negative effects of child sexual abuse. There will be a particular focus on Trauma-focused Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy, a trauma treatment model initially designed to address the impact of sexual abuse on youth and their non-offending caregivers. This model, co-developed by Esther Deblinger, Ph.D., has demonstrated its efficacy in over 24 randomized controlled trials and has been the subject of over 100 peer reviewed publications.
Workshop leaders: Esther Deblinger, Ph.D. and Elisabeth Pollio, Ph.D.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Children ages 3-12 engage in sexual behaviors that range from normative to problematic and harmful. Professionals often misinterpret normative behaviors in children and often are unsure how to effectively address genuine problematic sexual behaviors. As such, many children with problematic sexual behavior do not receive the types of services that support healthy behavioral functioning and healing within the family. Research suggests that children with problematic sexual behavior are highly responsive to treatment that includes their caregivers and addresses priority needs identified in initial and on-going assessment. This workshop will provide information to help professionals distinguish normative from problematic sexual behavior in children, identify assessment strategies to support treatment planning, and identify research supported treatment elements known to reduce or eliminate problematic sexual behavior in children.
Workshop leader: Jimmy Widdifield, Jr., MA
Program Costs
Each year, the program will select qualified professionals on a first come, first serve basis for acceptance. All participants must pay a $145.00 enrollment fee. There is no enrollment fee for New York Foundling staff and APSAC members. If you are not currently an APSAC member, but wish to join APSAC and have the enrollment fee waived please see APSAC membership link
Cancellation Policy: Registered participants can cancel enrollment until the program start date and receive a full refund of the enrollment fee. There will be no refunds of the enrollment fee after the program start date. Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to FontanaCenter@nyfoundling.org
APSAC Members: You will receive your discount automatically when registering.
The New York Foundling Staff: Please email FontanaCenter@nyfoundling.org to request your entry code.

General Admission (entire 9-week course): $145.00
APSAC Members and The New York Foundling Staff Admission: Free
13 CE Credit (Social Work & Psychology) Non APSAC: $50.00
13 CE Credit (Social Work & Psychology) APSAC Members and NY Foundling Staff: $35.00