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APSAC is announcing its 2020 Annual Report. As you read the 2020 Annual Report, you will see that APSAC’s outreach to professionals in the field of child maltreatment grew by leaps and bounds. In 2020, APSAC trainings reached over 9,000 professionals – more professionals than in the prior ten years combined. APSAC initiated Zoom chats and co-hosted the first National Initiative to End Corporal Punishment Conference. APSAC membership grew by 20.7% and APSAC organizational memberships increased by 50%. This was possible thanks to our hardworking staff, board, hundreds of committee members, and our partners, including The New York Foundling who co-sponsored educational programs and special initiatives; the Zero Abuse Project for inviting us to partner on the Trauma Informed Prosecutors Project (TIPP); the Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA), CAPSAC, and Center for Innovation and Resources (CIR) partnership in launching CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY, a grantee of California’s ACEs Aware initiative; The Institute for Human Services for administrative support and managing the APSAC Center for Child Policy; The National Children’s Alliance who approved APSAC forensic interview clinics to be delivered virtually; and each of the volunteers and donors whose name you will see in this report.
APSAC rapidly responded to racial injustices brought to light in 2020 by forming a Commission for Racial Justice in Child Maltreatment. The work of the long-standing APSAC Cultural Institute Committee and Cultural Education track expanded to add four new programs addressing racial justice in child welfare, which included a Certificate Program, Reading Club, Learning Collaborative, and the YAPSAC Anti-Racism Multimedia Discussion Group. Hundreds o professionals registered for the new programming, and the 2021 Colloquium theme, Promoting Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Across Disciplines and Organizations Addressing Child Maltreatment, was chosen to address the growing need of professionals.
This Annual Report also shows that APSAC managed the unique fiscal challenges of 2020 and ended the year in a financially positive position. Even while reducing the colloquium registration fee and offering multiple programs for little or no cost, APSAC still ended the year fiscally sound. Like so many of you, we had to hurdle payroll loans and event contracts and insurance claims while Zooming to meet the changing needs of members and service delivery. If there is a silver lining, we discovered that APSAC could provide high quality virtual training, thereby serving more and reaching professionals who were previously unable to access training, as noted in the accompanying map. APSAC’s future and ability to increase services to our multi-disciplinary membership has never been brighter.
Researchers and practitioners are only just beginning to understand the impact of the pandemic year on vulnerable children and families. The APSAC team is grateful that the impact on our organization’s ability to serve you has been positive, enabling APSAC to continue to grow in service to our members and the field.
On behalf of all the children and families that you serve, thank you for all that you do. We are humbled and grateful for your continued support of the largest multi-disciplinary professional society working to solve child abuse.
We hope to see you this December in Brooklyn for Live from New York, It’s APSAC: Advancing Practice with In-Depth Trainings.