4-part Training: Contemporary Challenges Facing Black Youth

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Title: Changing the narrative for Black youth: Positioning for promise

Description: Chronic observations about disparities in health, educational underachievement and employment opportunities for Black youth combined with the impact of the school to prison pipeline and the overrepresentation of Black males in juvenile and adult detention centers have created a too oft dim perspective about the potential of Black youth. This narrative obfuscates the positive potential Black youth represent, most importantly to these youth and how they often view their circumstances and options.

The societal narrative and resulting action plan impinging on the lived experiences of Black youth and Black males in particular has limited their opportunities to express their tremendous potential. In this webinar we offer a different and actionable narrative premised on the assumption positive potential and possibility, not deficit. Transcending a siloed approach, we examine the role of intersectionality across silos that allows for the re-emergence of positive positioning for Black male youth.

Presented by: LeRoy E. Reese, PhD