4-part Training: Contemporary Challenges Facing Black Youth

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Title: Kids & Drugs: An Exploration of Adolescent Substance Use & Related Issues
Description: In the United States, drugs generally are a major public health burden as a source of morbidity, mortality, family disruption, and criminalization. Substance use in particular, typically beginning during adolescence, has historically been viewed as a “character flaw” rather than a mental health issue. In large part due to stigma along with poor education, and general lack of society’s prioritization of youth, we are facing the unprecedented circumstance of increasing adolescent overdose deaths over the past several years, despite an overall decrease in prevalence. There exists a complex array of circumstances that may lead to substance use and related disorders, but childhood trauma appears to be the often overlooked underlying thread. This workshop will focus on exploring various associated components of adolescent substance use including some prominent risk factors, the role of trauma, underlying biology, societal implications, and pathophysiology. Upon completion, participants will understand the inextricable link between traumatic stress and substance use, and be able to tailor their assessments and treatments more appropriately for patients with substance use disorders.